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Summary of the 2018 9th Global freight forwarders conference held in Chongqing on October 17
作者:管理员    发布于:2018-10-29 00:35:50    文字:【】【】【

The 9th Global freight forwarders conference was held in Chongqing on October 17. The three-day conference attracted more than 1,500 senior executives from more than 100 countries and regions around the world to participate in the conference and discussed new trends in logistics development.


As we focus on Southeast Asia India-Pakistan market, this Global freight forwarders conference, of course,  Super first-class team attended.


Yes, we confirmed our eyes. We were the right people, the Super fine young team.
R&F, nice sister and the customer counterparts are very happy to talk, actively answer customers

throw questions, in the face of foreign customers can also answer.


At the meeting, the specialty presented is our strong industry knowledge of the Runhaifa team.

Outside the meeting, 10 years of responsibility to customers is the core that we have always insisted on.

If you have not known our company, welcome to the company to negotiate.


